Thursday, August 22, 2013

11 August 2013 - Japanese Version of Johnny Depp

Well this week was a neat one.  After we got home from the jamboree we went and taught a lesson to our Chinese investigator named Gary. He told us that his wife is very hantai (upset) about him meeting with us and that he had actually been doing it in secret lately. He said his wife tells him he should just focus on school and work (he is at the college here and has his big tests next week, he has been studying for for awhile). He is so cute, he was like "I am so embarrassed to tell you this, and I hope you are not disappointed in me, but I have something I must tell you". And then he told us about his wife being hantai and such. We told him that the gospel is meant to strengthen relationships and we don't want to make your wife angry and such and so we talked with him about meeting with both him and his wife when he gets home from his trip to China to help her understand what we are teaching and such. He told us he has been happier since meeting with us but this `special feeling` we tell him about he doesn't feel, that he just feels normal. It may be because he isn't really keeping much of the commitments we give to him because he is so focused on his studies and it's hard to do that with his wife not liking it and such but he said he hopes to be able to read the entire Book of Mormon during his trip to China which is pretty amazing.

We also got a call from kaiicho (Mission President)Thursday morning bearing oh so great news! SAIJO IS GETTING BOTH SHIMAI SENKYOSHI (sister missionaries) AND A SENIOR COUPLE BY NEXT TRANSFER HOPEFULLY. So great! we are trying to get a small place we can hold Sacrament Meeting as well because getting investigators to make a 40 min. train ride to Hiroshima plus $12 to go to church is slightly difficult.  Saijo is growing, it's so awesome!   The area that hasn't had a baptism in 3 years is now getting both a senior couple and shimai senkyoshi. Kaiicho has faith in us and faith in Saijo and I know we are going to start seeing some amazing success here soon. Keep these Saijo Nihonjin peeps in your prayers.

Well, we also had a neat miracle with our friend Johnny Depp. Yes he does have quite the belly, yes he is actually nihonjin and the most different man I've ever met, and yes he does wear $600 dollar Johnny Depp `pribate aitem` everyday not to mention Johnny Depp rings, the feather hat, the whole get up.   We met Johnny Depp a couple weeks ago, he found us and wanted to take a picture of us for facebook but that was the last we heard of him.  We could never contact him again, then Friday night he randomly called us and said he was sad, so we met with him and taught him about the restoration and such and hahah well he is quite odd.   He believes what we say so much that he would touch us and say he could feel our power.  The power of God and when we gave him a Book of Mormon he put one hand on the Book of Mormon and the other hand pointing in the air with his eyes closed and was just like, "I feel the power". hahah   I could not help but start to giggle, but after we taught him that he went from not talking at all because he was down, to being super talkative and he new that his happiness was coming from our message and he said he wanted to be baptised as well.  We met with him the next day as well and he said thanks to us he was super genki (he also as we was saying this, undid his pants in the middle of the crosswalk to fix his `pribate aitem` shirt that was tucked in. and yes his boxers did have pink hearts on them).   When we invited him to come to church he said he was scared and so yeah you can guess, he didn't meet us on Sunday like he was supposed to, to come to church with us.

Yes,  I do indeed sleep on futon.  Umm well you asked what we eat, we do have lots of rice that's for sure. We have yakusoba a couple times,  fish, veggies, pretty much just whatever meat we have and then put it on rice. That's the usual.
That's pretty much the highlights.  Johnny Depp is the most interesting man I have ever met,  Gary is awesome, Azumi is out of town, and we are finding more everyday. This email was a rather large one, my apologies.
Eikawa (english lessons)quote of the week, we were going over weather vocab and this is what we got from one of the really old ladies. `the temperature today, is screaming hot hot hot!` haha lovely Japanese lady. 

Well that's all for now.  Keep the Nihonjins in your prayers!
Much love,

Elder Bloomfield

P.S.  Also the Johnny Depp man, hahah just remembered another thing,  At the end of our lesson, I asked him how he was feeling right now  (to try and help explain that when he comes to church he can feel this and after baptism it will be with him always) and he just grabs both of our hands and is just like, I feel the power, haha and I was just  like  ummmmm so how do you feel right now? and he is just like `I can see your aura`... and just puts his hands up toward us, So then I was just like do you feel happier?   Do you feel Gods love right now and yada yada you know the rest but yeah he is the oddest man I have ever met. So explaining the priesthood won't be a problem, but trying to help him understand we aren't super heroes could be difficult!

Thought for the week:

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