So this week was pretty wild and there is so much to tell so I will see what I can do.
Miracle 1- We were on splits in Miyakonojo and we showed up to an appointment to meet this dude at his apartment only to find his two buddies outside his apartment door. They said they were also waiting for him so we taught them about the gospel for a solid 30 mins. gave them Books of Mormons, and they told us they wanted to meet again next week. They still live with their parents so they wanted to just meet in front of their friends apartment again. haha It was pretty funny. When we left they were both reading the Book of Mormon in their car.
Miracle 2- We meet a girl named Naoko every week and this week we focused on the atonement. She expressed her nervousness about her upcoming trip to Australia and was so happy to know that Christ suffered for everyone, and understands all of our trials whether we are Christian or not, and she can receive help from God and Christ when she goes to Australia. She came to church Sunday and loved it.
Miracle 3- President set a goal for the mission 3 weeks ago that everyone could be able to give the Gift of Christ with a baptismal date before Easter. Last week we had 6 appointments fall through and at the beginning of the week we didn't really have anyone we could set a date with. I was kinda worried because I knew we need to set the example for the zone, and we were expected to set the example for the zone. We didn't have much dendo (proselyting)time on Monday, we were on splits Tuesday, we had to do Kaicho`s (Mission President) interviews on Friday, and we still don't have Elder Sasaki`s bike so we have to walk everywhere... which didn't leave us with much time left. We fasted and prayed that God could prepare the way that we could find a new investigator prepared to progress towards baptism this week. On Wednesday after we got home from Miyakonojo Jukai, we received a call about a man who said he has `worries` in his life and wanted to meet the missionaries. He told us he is having financial problems and has no money but has a 3 month old baby and a wife he needs to care for. He told us he wants to know how to receive help from God in situations where he can't do it himself. We were able to meet him a few times last week and he expressed his desire to know if this church is true and we set a date for May 25th for him to work towards to be baptized.
Miracle 4- This next one there is so much to tell. A few weeks ago a crazy lady kissed Elder Mukaitani and my hand on the street. Do you remember that? Well we saw her walking so we decided to help her carry her groceries home. She invited us in and talked about her grandson who passed away recently and she didn't understand why because he was so young. We taught her about how she will see him again one day and she was way happy. We taught her how to pray and (haha) when we prayed at the end it was pretty hilarious. We taught her everything, She was way excited, Elder Sasaki said a prayer and then she just didn't move and kept her eyes closed and arms folded (she is 80 years old by the way). Elder Sasaki was like umm maam, uda san, maam we finished the prayer. Uda san we finished. and she didn't move. So then I yelled AMEN! and she looks up, oh! its over? Okay! haha It was way funny. Saturday we met her again and when we prayed, it was just as good as the first one. haha Sasaki was saying the prayer again and in the middle of the prayer out of no where Uda san (the wife) just yells AMEN! haha I think she tried to anticipate this one and missed it a bit, and then after the prayer actually finished, her husband did the same thing as she had done before and didn't move and so the wife punched him and was like hey its over! and he was just like oh oh! I must have fallen asleep! Sunday we met with them after church and as we were teaching the restoration and we were like `God and Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith, we know of its truth...` and taught about that and then about 4 minutes later Uda san (the way funny wife) looks at the picture of the Restoration that we already explained and was like wow! This is Joseph Smith!? He is so young! and who is that above him? Is that some married couple? haha Never mind the beard and long hair they have, not to mention we had JUST explained it was God and Jesus Christ, but apparently they look like a married couple haha. After she said that her husband punched her and was like are you baka?? That's Christ and God! They are wayyy funny and so cute. They really want to know if it is true as well. They told us they have never heard of something like this before and want to know if it is true and we were able to set a baptismal goal with both of them as well for May 25th. Oh and also when she prayed at the end she was way excited to pray and then just straight up read the pamphlet hahah `Address Heavenly Father... Express thanks...` I felt bad, I broke a little laugh in the middle of her prayer. haha Luckily she can't hear anything unless you are basically yelling at them. They love Elder Sasaki and I a lot and asked us to visit them everyday. Daily contact will not be a problem, However each lesson we have with them, the wife smokes at least 4 cigarettes which is quite the problem, which she even expressed concern about for her baptism but it is an obstacle she says she wants to overcome.
Miracle 5 - The zone challenge this week in our `Believing is Seeing Program` was to work on Hope and Humility as well as invite as many people to sacrament as possible. As a result we were able to see many miracles this week and the number of investigators at sacrament meetings in the zone this week was almost double the average of the last few weeks. It seems whatever challenge we have for that week the key indicator related for that challenge, always has a lot of success, so obviously that success is possible. I just want to know how we can be having that success in every key indicator every week, and not just the one we are focusing on for that week. Everyone is working very hard and want to see success, We will prayerfully seek and study how we can best be having that success in every area every week.
Miracle 6- I love the Easter thing (I sent him a Easter package that has scriptures and stories relating to the last week of Christ's life) and being able to read about what Christ did and more about him everyday until his resurrection. It was way cool and I learned a lot so thanks mom.
We have a 40 day program I have done before in the mission life. Basically you look at things that are keeping you from having the spirit with you all day long, you fast for 24 hours to know what things you need to stop in order to have the spirit more with you, then for 40 days you don't do those things. The result is you will have more success as a missionary, be better able to testify with more conviction, and be better led by the spirit and such. These 40 day fast things do wonders aye!?
Yesterday was Easter and Christ was resurrected for all of us, our families, our happiness, our successes, our pains... I have become so lost in the work and life is just so good. There were a lot more miracles this week too but this letter is too long. but once again I was reminded about how anything is possible and this really is the Lords work. As we stay close to him we actually do HIS work. I am so blessed everyday and all I can say is old grandmas are the best.
Elder Bloomfield
Elder Dolbin at Presidents Interviews in Fukuoka
Little Friend that came to the Easter Party at the Park. They decorated Eater Eggs and had a Easter Egg Hunt.
Thought for the Week: